Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I got nothin'

I sat in front of the computer for about an hour this morning. Nothing.

Well, I typed. Several words, in fact. About one-fourth of them constituted the equivalent of the letter C. The next fourth, an R. These were followed by a P and an A, though not necessarily in that order.

I actually came up with a pretty good start to a post yesterday at work. I typed it up in a Word document (I keep the doc on my desktop so I don't lose blog ideas that come to me at work), emailed it to my non-work address so I could access it from home. What I didn't take into account was that the word program I have on my home computer is not compatible with the program we use at work, and I sent it as an attachment rather than embedded in the email, so I couldn't access it. I didn't go to work today, so I haven't been able to re-send it yet. That one'll have to wait.

For whatever reason, the word Adidas was introduced into my consciousness last night on my drive home from work. It reminded of the time about 10 years ago that my brother's then-girlfriend bought her nephew an Adidas t-shirt for some occasion or other where gift giving is a non-optional social convention. He informed her that he wouldn't... couldn't... wear said shirt to school or about town (well, technically, about nondescript, cookie-cutter suburb, but who's splitting those hairs?), because everyone had been wearing Adidas - the logo on shirts and such, I don't believe this had anything to do with anyone's shoes - the previous year, and some other shoe company's logo was then-currently "in." I tried this morning to turn that into a full post about what I see as the ridiculousness of following trends in fashion. But really, what else needs to be said? I find it ridiculous. That's kind of the end of the story. I thought I could throw in a bit about how, when I was about the age that her nephew was at the time of the gift-giving, there were some kids in my neighborhood who really, truly believed that Adidas is an acronym for All Day I Dream About Sex. The company is actually named for its founder, Adolf (nickname: ADI) DASsler. But that train of thought loses its interestingness before the end of this paragraph.

The All Day I Dream... thing did put me in mind of something I've been kicking around my head about urban legends, and a tie-in with religiosity in this country. I mean, both are cases of people believing fantastical claims on the basis of completely unreliable "evidence." And that will be a post here some day. It'll be titled, "Turn Me On, Dead Man." But not today. By the time I got to that point, I just didn't have it in me. My thoughts are all over the place (as if you couldn't tell). And so here I am, rambling to you about all the internal rambling that never manifested itself in any kind of a cohesive post.

As long as I'm just rambling --- I've got a pain in my back. It's been there for several days. It feels like it's in the spine itself, not a sore or overexerted muscle. It might be in the tendon that connects the trapezius to the spine, I suppose. The problem is, I don't know yet. I saw my doctor today, but there really isn't much he can do. He felt the area, but it's not a case where I have a vertebra that has moved 2 or 3 inches, so he wasn't going to find anything there. He had me X-rayed, and it won't be till Friday probably that he gets the results from the radiologist. If the X-rays don't show anything, I'll probably go for an MRI to see if it's a soft-tissue issue. Maybe to a back specialist. I can only imagine the fun that awaits.

I guess that's about it for tonight. I hope to be back to not posting like a housefly with ADD on cocaine tomorrow.

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