Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Wow. Have I seriously not blogged for 2 whole months (plus)? I'd love to take this opportunity to provide a good reason, but I really don't have one. Just got lazy, then it snowballed.

Anyway, I got tagged on this blog, and thus am charged with providing you with 16 random facts about myself.

1. There was a time in my life when the one thing that really wanted to be when I grew up was the play-by-play broadcaster for the Philadelphia Flyers.

2. My mother considered naming me Emmett. I would have preferred if she had.

3. I once served 2 Filet-o-Fish sandwiches to a man who now has a baseball stadium named after him.

4. I did not sleep at all for the 26 or so hours it took my friend and me to drive straight-through from Wilmington, Delaware to Houston, Texas.

5. I attended the highest-scoring playoff game in National Football League history.

6. I have watched the sun come up over the Atlantic Ocean and set over the Pacific Ocean.

7. More than 10% of the songs in my mp3 player right now are by The Beatles, and that is not counting post-Beatles solo work.

8. I think I probably would have made a good detective.

9. At any point in time, I tend to have 3 or 4 books that I'm in the process of reading.

10. I once (unsuccessfully) tried to convince some of my Catholic school classmates that teachers who weren't priests or nuns were called "lay teachers" because they're allowed to have sex.

11. I don't know for sure, but I think it's likely that I have - over the whole course of my life - spent more time than do most people imagining what it would be like if I were confined to a wheelchair, or if I lost a limb.

12. As recently as, like, a year ago, I honestly would not have thought that the U.S. would elect a black President in my lifetime.

13. For reasons I really don't understand, I am very bad about keeping in touch with the people I care about.

14. Sometimes, I think the fictional character I most closely resemble is Walter Mitty - and I have more than 2 hours alone in the car every day I go to work.

15. I once dreamed that I met Lionel Ritchie.

16. I firmly believe that my humor is under appreciated.

If you blog, you're now tagged.

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