Thursday, January 22, 2009


My wife and I started a yoga class through our school district's Adult Community Ed program. (Actually, the class started last Thursday. The weather was bad, and the Community Ed hotline said all classes were cancelled. This class - which is not run at the Comm Ed building, but at a local gym which was open for business - was held as normal [except that several of us who are signed by through Ed, not through the gym, were not there]. But that, like the proposed-but-never-built 103rd floor of the Empire State Building, is another story.)

Guess what? My body's not stretchy. This is a class for beginners. In theory, the other people have maybe one class' worth of experience more than me. Didn't seem like that tonight, tho. I felt about as poseable one of those little green Army men, in a room full of Stretch Armstrongs. I think (hope) that it didn't help that I worked out, as I normally do, after work - did 35 minutes plus cooldown on the stair machine - then went straight to yoga, trying to bend and balance on legs I had just put through a different exertion. I'll have to work out earlier on Thursdays while I'm in this class, I guess.

But I know it's not all that. Several of my muscles just are not well stretched. Yet. That, of course, is the whole purpose of the class. I think it might take more than 10 sessions, tho. I don't think the purpose of yoga is, for example, to have a different vertebra pop each time I go into the upward-facing dog pose. Ow.

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